▽The Information Architecture Institute | Home ●09/17 04:51 We worked to make the world窶冱 information clearer and easier to use by improving how people learn, practice, and teach information architecture. As of 2019 our board voted unanimously to dissolve the IA Institute. All assets were transferred to World IA Day, a 501c3 non-profit.
▽Widgetopia | Collection of Widgets and UI elements from various websites, with notation of their sterling or plate metal qualities ●08/18 00:07 By christina at 08/17/2006 - 14:32 | Feedback | Forms | Travel | christina’s blog | add new comment | trackback url The visual should stay the visual found on styleboost.com This is a smart and elegant way to tag a visual concept. The words cerulean and teal are only loosely shared concepts, hex numbers only grokked fully by the geekerati. But the actual colors ignore monitors and colorblindness--