▽研究者人材データベースJREC-INトップページ ●12/23 03:22 桐生大学医療保健学部看護学科に関する教員公募(成人看護学の講師又は助教)桐生大学[MSCA]TeraIBs DC 4 - Metamaterial-based THz biosensors for vesicle detectionUniversity of SiegenAssistant/Associate Professor of Data Science at the International University of Japan (IUJ)International University of Japan准教授、講師又は助教山陽女子短期大学看護学科(成人看護学分野)2名(講師1名及び助教1名)の募集長岡崇徳大学港区政策創造研究所(企画経営部企画課)研究員募集港区政策創造研究所学校法人福岡大学嘱託職員〔教育技術嘱託(研究推進部URA)〕募集のお知らせ福岡
▽Our Strange World - Our survival depends upon your insanity... ●12/23 02:27 CASINO GAMES: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A DEALERThe Perfect Quilt Buying GuideTips to improve your online poker gaming skillsWhat are the Top Qualities You Must Look for In an Accountant?Blind Spot Accidents in Grand Junction: Which Driver Can be Held Liable?Paul Watson - April 12, 2021How to Use and What Preventative Measures Should Be Taken for MAOIs?Fred Skidmore - May 17, 2021Pros and cons
▽Neatorama ●12/23 01:58 The Organ Made Out of CaveHave you ever been in a cave, admiring the stalactites, and thought they resembled a pipe organ? You're not the only one. In fact, Luray Caverns in Virginia has an instrument that can play those stalactites like an organ! The Great Stalacpipe Organ, technically a lithophone, is an electronic device that taps the stalactites with rubber mallets to produce musical notes. T