▽二人の子どもを子育て中の愛知県在住の40代のサラリーマンパパ ●10/25 17:51 WorkFlowy・Evernote・TaskChuteCloudなどのデジタルツールを活用した便利な暮らし、情報に振り回されない自分なりの子育て、頭寒足熱・少食・他人本位を実践する冷えとりについて、自分のアタマで考えるブログです。 By using our site, you consent to this privacy policy: This website allows third-party advertising companies for the purpose of reporting website traffic, statistics, advertisements, ”click-throughs” and/or other activities to use Cookies and /or Web Beacons and other monitoring technologies to serve ads and to compile anonymous statistics about you when you visit this website. Cookies are small t