▽Linux Journal - The Premier Magazine of the Linux Community ●11/22 18:52 #DataAnalysis#HOW-TOsUsing MAXQDA for Qualitative Data Analysis on LinuxThis article explores how Linux users can overcome these challenges, leverage MAXQDA for qualitative research, and integrate it seamlessly into their workflows.George Whittaker - November 21, 2024HAProxy on Ubuntu: Load Balancing and Failover for Resilient Infrastructuregerman.suarezNovember 19, 2024George WhittakerNo
▽Planet KDE ●11/19 04:03 Monday, 18 November 2024This Week in KDE Apps: Python bindings 🔗This Week in KDE Apps #this-week-kde-apps:kde.org 07:20 +00:00RSSWelcome to a new issue of "This Week in KDE Apps"! Every week we cover as much as possible of what's happening in the world of KDE apps.This week, we release the first beta of what will become KDE Gear 24.12.0. If your distro provides testing package, please help wi