▽Fink - Home ●09/24 21:39 2023-09-23: Support for macOS 11 through macOS 13The main source branch for Fink development supports macOS 11 through macOS 13, under both intel (x86_64) and Apple's M1 and M2 (arm64) CPUs.Final work on a full release is ongoing. As there isn't a full release tarball yet, you need to download and install the code from git with these commands in Terminal.app:mkdir -p ~/src cd src git clone
▽アドエス小物日記 ●05/19 03:57 2023年05月19日2023年05月18日のつぶやきjiro_aqua / Jiro@Jota+/AquaMozc開発KMMでロジックの共通化を達成すると、UIを2つ書かなきゃいけないのが辛くなってくるんよ。 at 05/18 21:01jiro_aqua / Jiro@Jota+/AquaMozc開発KMM+ComposeでロジックとUIが共通化できて、かつ、ネイティブAPIが楽に使える。そんな未来が来るといいなあ。 https://t.co/zCm7Y1KXL4 at 05/18 20:59jiro_aqua / Jiro@Jota+/AquaMozc開発RT @kotlin: Introducing Compose Multiplatform for iOS (Alpha)!Create shared UIs using #Kotlin and unify your