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▽ifo Apple Store - News & Info About Apple’s Retail Stores ●01/20 04:57 ifo Apple Store (ifoapplestore.com) -- an abbreviation for in front of Apple Store -- was a blog about Apple's retail stores by the diligent Gary Allen. Posts ranging from the site's early days to its last piece have been archived.For detailed information about Apple hardware, you also may find EveryMac.com useful. Launched in 1996, EveryMac.com features not only extensive Apple specifications an
▽macosXrumors.com: latest rumors on Mac OS X ●01/22 00:33 Home Archives Shop ContactFebruary 1, 2006 @ 9:47 am (EST) — posted by Alexandros Roussos (Uncategorized)MacosXrumors is taking a breakMacosXrumors is taking a short break. Although there might be some occasional articles, we’ll be fully resuming the publication by the next two weeks.January 30, 2006 @ 9:12 pm (EST) — posted by Alexandros Roussos (Strategy, Events)Apple tradmarks “Mac Pro”?T