▽Ispell.el International spelling checker for emacs ●05/08 12:30 Ispell.el Home Emacs interface for ispell - an international interactive spelling checker [downloads][FAQ][ispell home][patches][changeLogs] Latest Release: Version 3.6 Released: 07-Jan-03 Introduction Ispell is a fast screen-oriented spelling checker that displays errors in the context of the original file, and suggests possible corrections. Some of the salient features of ispell include its mult
▽The preview-latex package ●12/26 13:33 AUCTeX – Sophisticated document creation preview-latex preview-latex equips your source buffer with a sophisticated WYSIWYG previewing and folding conglomerate that revolutionalizes the edit-compile-preview cycle. That means, instead of LaTeX constructs, images of their typeset output are placed in the buffer. It is therefore particularly suited for easing the creation of complex content lik