▽Gamekyo : the social video game magazine ●03/10 00:18 The Last of Us Saison 2: Trailerposted by guiguifthe 03/09/25 at 01:28 PM comments (6)La Xbox Next Gen sera t-elle un PC ou une console ?posted by shanksthe 03/09/25 at 01:13 PM comments (15)Black Torch adapt〓 en animeposted by guiguifthe 03/09/25 at 11:26 AM comments (3)Vos jeux de la semaine ?posted by kevisiano on Vos jeux de la semaine ?the 03/09/25 at 10:51 AM comments (21)Switch
▽Nintendo Life ●03/10 00:03 News Switch 2 Filings Show Support For Wi-Fi 60Better, faster3m agoNintendo Switch 2NintendoRumoursGuide Best Nintendo Switch RPGs199The finest trad-style Switch RPGs available to humanity2pmNintendo SwitchRPGsSwitch EssentialsGuidesBest Switch GamesVideo Digital Foundry's Technical Analysis Of Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection 2.0 Update9MGS2 and 3 have definitely "improved"1
▽Nintendo Everything – Our second language is Nintendo++ ●03/09 22:13 Apple Knight 2 coming to Nintendo Switch shortlyPosted 1 hour ago by Brian in News, Switch eShop | 0 commentsIt’s been a few years since we saw the original game on Nintendo Switch, but now Apple Knight 2 will be dropping in just a few days. According to a store page listing, it launches on March 13, 2025.Apple Knight 2 offers more action platforming gameplay, just like the previous title. Deve