▽QBN - Design Industry News & Discussion ●01/09 03:50 PhanLo11MetaPhanLo 11PermalinkUpvoteDownvoteFlaglol well-playedContinuityI laughed out loud at this.monospacedlolYakuZokuget the goat https://www.youtube.…neverscaredso advertisers will go to X or bluesky.. Musk u son of a...neverscaredAdverisers are just going to embrace the late stage capitalist hell, they only boycotted to save face.PhanLoShow [[ numHiddenNotes ]] more notesAdd Note
▽HUSKY CZ - stany, spac鄲pytle, spac疚y, batohy, softshell, outdoo ●01/09 03:40 -20%Turistick〓 stan pro 3 osobyBizon 3 PlusHmotnost 4,45 kgdurawrapov〓 pruty(6)5 290 K〓4 232 K〓Doru〓〓me 10. 1. 2025 do 30 minut na 11 prodejn〓ch-20%Samonafukovac〓 karimatkaFledy 4Samonafukovac〓(2)1 790 K〓1 432 K〓Doru〓〓me 10. 1. 2025 do 30 minut na 11 prodejn
▽~Futurefarmers~ ●01/09 02:38 Flatbread Society Iaspis, StockholmFlatbread SocietyTesting ovens at IASPIS in Stockholm, Sweden.The force of river Elbe moves a printing press built during a 5-day workshop at Design Campus, Dresden.Futurefarmers archivists. Transcribing sight and sound 1994-2000.Annual HarvestPainting fruit boxes on 50 year old apple farm in Belgium.Flatbread Society BakehouseA permanent public artwork i