▽Alice Coote - operabase ●11/22 07:02 149ConcertConcertFestivalProgramme 2 worksTicketsVFCO / Favio Luisi, HaydnRossiniVerbier FestivalMezzo-sopranoView programme, cast and crew2025MassConcertFestivalTicketsMass in B minor, BWV 232, Bach, J. S.Verbier FestivalMezzo-sopranoView cast and crew20257MassConcertFestivalTicketsMass in B minor, BWV 232, Bach, J. S.Verbier FestivalC: Leonardo Garc〓a Alarc〓nMezzo-soprano
▽Denis Sedov - operabase ●11/22 02:16 The project "Music of Our Time" within the framework of the festival "Muffled Voices", ChudovaTavener, JohnButskoGavrilinThe project "Music of Our Time" within the framework of the festival "Muffled Voices", ChudovaTavener, JohnButskoGavrilinPerformancesVideosRepresentation & ContactCareer graphProRole GraphPro