▽blogonblog 「Blogging thoughts」を書いたjillとtorillによる共同blog. ●12/07 19:30 Abstract: In December of 2002, Senator Trent Lott (R-MS) resigned his position of Senate Majority Leader under pressure from the media, his own caucus and the White House. This pressure was the result of comments Lott made at a birthday party for retiring Senator Strom Thurmond〓〓〓s 100th birthday party in which Lott seemed to wax nostalgic about segregation. But that〓〓〓s not the whole story. Comin
▽「Weblog研究」っていうところ ●10/05 04:49 Error. Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (20)
▽BlogTalk - A European Weblog-Conference ●04/11 05:31 You can support the hosting of the sites of these legendary eventsby donating a bit to: 3AiQAsP5trMTciybMAGegSxRxt9yfJ2fnT or some Lumen to: GDP6SMNQCZRFLMUCGTUOMEYT5XPECEIAXE7KDPXRVIQFZGYKDX5ELIJB
▽blogresearch ●04/13 21:28 She adopted an exceptional attitude of being autonomous and reliable with projects... it made it easy to entrust her with various things that I knew would be able to get done. ~Employer about a newly hired graduate
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