▽dejimah ●07/02 23:45 var t = 5, n = document.getElementById(”js-sec-circle”); document.getElementById(”js-sec-text”).innerHTML = t, si = setInterval(function() { if (0 == t) { clearInterval(si); location.href = a[m] } else { t -= 1, document.getElementById(”js-sec-text”).innerHTML = t; var e = Math.round(t / 1 * 735); n.style.strokeDashoffset = e - 735 } }, 970) } function gotolinks() { location.href = a[m] }
▽切込隊長BLOG 〜俺様キングダム ●02/20 15:19 Error. Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (19)
▽YAMAGATA Hiroo: The Official J-Page ●02/10 06:50 Not Found The requested URL was not found on this server. Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu) Server at www.post1.com Port 443