▽ Adobe Flash Professional Team Blog ●09/15 11:29 あどーび FlashとかAIR This site has been archived. Please visit the Adobe Blog for the latest Adobe articles.
▽the2bears.com ●08/28 13:27 海外インディーズゲーム 27.08.16 DS3 in Clojure – A Work in Progress Posted in development, everything, games, opensource, shmups at 6:50 pm by the2bears I think it’s better to take an existing project and convert it to the new language you are learning. That’s the case with DS3, an old Galaga style shooter I once did in Java during my rapid prototyping days. Now it’s being rewritten in Clojure an
▽次世代亀 ●02/23 21:16 海外ゲーム事情 XML | ATOM skin by excite 個人情報保護 情報取得について 免責事項