▽W32TeX ●08/09 22:13 Gone The requested resource /~kakuto/win32-ptex/web2c75.html is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address.Please remove all references to this resource.
▽David’s Elisp hacks ●07/25 06:55 This is a package for creating templates. It is meant to be used be elisp programmers when creating sets of macros for inserting common structures, e g in programming modes. It has been part of GNU Emacs since version 19.23, but I usually have a newer version here. This is a Turing Machine implementation. I haven’t worked very long at it, but it is starting to be useful. This is a menu extension t
▽TClock Light ●09/09 03:44 Download: tclocklight-040702-3.zip /Getting Started 2004-09-08: tclocklight-040702-3.zip: Modified a little. 2004-07-27: tclocklight-040702-2.zip: Dutch texts. Binaries are not changed.