▽JohnFrusciante ●02/02 09:49 0Skip to ContentDISCOGRAPHYOpen Menu Close MenuJOHN FRUSCIANTEDISCOGRAPHYOpen Menu Close MenuDISCOGRAPHYEnclosurePBX Funicular Intaglio ZoneThe EmpyreanInside of EmptinessThe Will To DeathA Sphere in the Heart of SilenceDC EPOutsidesLetur LefrAtaxia / Automatic WritingAtaxia / AW IIBlack Knights / The AlmightyBlack Knights / Medieval Chamber〓2024 John Frusciante, All Rights Re
▽Invisible-Movement.net . ●01/03 12:45 〓 built and maintained by Iva, 2004 - 2024 | Helped out by countless contributors | Powered by WordPress and hosted with DreamHost
▽The Jicks! ●09/18 00:58 Stephen Presents “Juliefuckingette,” B-Side from Traditional Techniques Stephen presents “Juliefuckingette,” an A-side-worthy B-side off of the “rich, dynamic, and pleasantly warm” (New Yorker) Traditional Techniques, his album released earlier this year on Matador. Additionally, he announces a rescheduled North American tour. As with Traditional Techniques, “Juliefuckingette” is new phase folk mu