▽各国語のオノマトペを音で聴けるサイト ●04/11 06:32 Forbidden You don’t have permission to access this resource. Apache/2.4.41 (Unix) Server at www.flat33.com Port 80
▽1949年と1963年の間に南スーダンで記録された言語フィールド・ノート ●02/23 09:21 Table of Contents Introduction to the Nuer Project Eleanor Vandevort -- 13 Years as a Missionary in the South Sudan, by Marion Frank-Wilson Introduction Biographical Sketch 13 Years of Missionary Life in Nasir/South Sudan A Leopard Tamed, by Eleanor Vandevort History of Colonial and Missionary Linguistics in the Southern Sudan, by Edward Miner The Historical Background of Missionary Activity in th
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