▽News | English ●02/02 08:09 Africa 54 - February 1, 202213:30 - 14:29Straight Talk Africa18:05 - 18:30LIVE VOA Asia - Russia-Ukraine center stage at U.N.18:30 - 19:00VOA Learning English19:00 - 19:0519:05 - 20:00LIVE VOA Africa20:00 - 20:0521:00 - 21:0522:05 - 22:30Daybreak Africa19:00 - 19:0420:00 - 20:0421:00 - 21:04VOA Asia - Russia-Ukraine center stage at U.N.VOA Africa
▽Wikiquote ●10/27 14:12 In name we had the Declaration of Independence in 1776; but we gave the lie by our acts to the words of the Declaration of Independence until 1865; and words count for nothing except in so far as they represent acts. This is true everywhere. ~ Theodore Roosevelt ~ New in Wikiquote: Jos〓 Mujica Jos〓 Mujica Decadence This Wikiquote is written in English. Started in 2003, it currently contains 40,876