▽freshmeat.net: Welcome to freshmeat.net ●10/28 21:58 Downloads: 142,702 This WeekDownloads: 43,200 This WeekLast Update: 2 days ago12Downloads: 38,340 This WeekLast Update: 1 day agoSee Project13PCREPERL 5 regular expression pattern matchingThe Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) library is a set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5. PCRE has its own native API
▽nulog / nulog, NULL::something : out of the washer ●10/24 05:24 ptpcamerad も変な挙動をしていてカメラが繋がらなくなる。強制的に終了しても起動してくるのでやっかいEOS Utility 3@(null): AppleUSBHostUserClient::openGated: failed to open IOUSBHostInterface@0: provider is already opened for exclusive access by pid 17290, ptpcamerad止めた。sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.ptpcamerad.plistsudo launchctl disable gui/501/com.apple.ptpcameradrefhttps://discussions.apple.com/thread/25