▽英文学をゼロから学ぶ ●11/19 06:22 2024-11-18『ロビンソン・クルーソー』を原書で読む(第217回)専門教育科目 英文学演習IIA(2単位)(テキスト219ページ、4行目〜)(※赤字は大学受験レベルの語)And thus I left the island, the nineteenth of December, as I found by the ship’s account, in the year 1686, after I had been upon it eight and twenty years, two months, and 19 days; being deliver'd from this second captivity, the same day of the month that I first made my escape in the bargo-longo, from am
▽flip out circuits ●11/18 13:13 2024年11月16日土曜日アメリカ民主党はこの10年でえらく左寄りにシフトしてきたらしい『フィナンシャルタイムズ』記事のグラフ (John Burn-Murdoch, "Trump broke the Democrats' thermostat," Financial Times, November 16, 2024):Some counter that this is simply what progressive politics is, but the evidence suggests otherwise. America’s decades-long progress towards racial and sexual tolerance and equality has been a gradual shift, led by progressives with the