▽LDC - Linguistic Data Consortium ●11/22 23:46 Classic Corpora in LDC’s Catalog: AMRAbstract Meaning Representation (AMR) annotation was developed by LDC, SDL/Language Weaver, Inc., the University of Colorado's Computational Language and Educational Research group and the Information Sciences Institute at the University of Southern California. It is a semantic representation language that captures "who is doing what to whom" in a sentence. Ea
▽rab.bit ●11/22 20:36 The King of Discipline拳皇中所有人物均为客串,倒不如说随手借用了拳皇世界的设 定。文章〓感来自于很早的一本s小说,〓女传奇里面的一个小过场人物,提到 的一点个人经历。估计看过书的人读下去会有一点点印象。文〓很渣,还请见谅。酒吞天下连载1万字高辣[高辣]活动X崩坏小丑RJ[高辣]路遇巨棒猛男(BG高H,简/繁)妄季[高辣]我的第一次冰火经历(简体与繁体)〓〓瑾书[高辣]边缘玩家十叁公里海岸线[高辣]来电〓呀妈呀[高辣]都市之最强狂兵大红大紫[高辣]杉笙有幸杉笙幸[高辣]qq上勾搭的少妇(繁体与简体)〓〓瑾书[高辣]林深见鹿若綺(留思)快穿白月光穿进be剧本#〓!绝美白月光在每个世界训狗!#青黛第五十次相亲失败后,被告知是因为〓散落在各个小世界的〓魂碎片背了情债: 〓们或是霸总白月光、或是校草的隐婚对象、摄政王朱砂痣、女尊夫郎的暗恋对象… 作为白
▽natural language processing blog ●11/22 18:33 Daniel Lemire's blogParsing floats at over a gigabyte per second in C#Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social ScienceAndrew Gelman is not the science police because there is no such thing as the science police