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Current events Wikipedia
●06/26 05:27
Rif Dimashq offensive 〓 Turkish military operation in Afrin 〓 UK higher education strike
Peter George Peterson
Armed conflicts and attacks
Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen
Houthis claim to have shot down a Royal Saudi Air Force F-15 jet over Sa’da province, Yemen. (Sputnik)
Syrian Civil War
The Syrian government and rebel forces reach an agreement to allow 7,500 people to evacuate from rebel-held Harasta, Eastern Ghouta. (al-Jazeera)
Disasters and accidents
Accidents and incidents involving helicopters
A Eurocopter 120 helicopter carrying five people crashes into the sea near Hardy Reef off the Whitsunday Islands, Queensland, Australia. Two people are killed. (The Guardian)
Aftermath of the 2015 Shoreham Airshow crash
The Crown Prosecution Service charges pilot Andrew Hill with 11 counts of manslaughter by gross negligence and one count of endangering an aircraft over an accident at Shoreham Airshow in England. (The Telegraph)
International relations
Israel〓Syria relations
Israel admits for the first time that it carried out an airstrike on a suspected nuclear reactor in Deir ez-Zor Governorate, Syria, on 6 September 2007. The strike allegedly killed ten North Korean workers. (Reuters)
Austria〓Israel relations
Austrian foreign minister Karin Kneissl recalls diplomat J〓rgen-Michael Kleppich from Israel after he is photographed wearing a t-shirt with slogans linked to Nazism. (The Local)
Economy of the African Union
The leaders of 44 African Union states sign an agreement in Kigali, Rwanda, to create the African Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA). (BBC)
Poisoning of Sergei and Yulia Skripal
Russia holds a briefing on the case for all foreign diplomats in Moscow, where it accuses the United Kingdom of withholding evidence. (The Guardian)
Censorship in Singapore
The Singaporean Parliament approves the Public Order and Safety (Special Powers) Act, which makes it a crime to take pictures and relay information during terror attacks. (Channel News Asia)
Mark Anthony Conditt, the main suspect in the serial bombings, dies after detonating a bomb in his vehicle while being pursued by Austin police officers. The police chief warns residents that while they believe the bomber is deceased, he may have sent more packages before his death. (CNN)
Dapchi schoolgirls kidnapping
Boko Haram releases most of the 110 Nigerian schoolgirls it had kidnapped in February 2018, and warns against sending them back to school. (The Globe and Mail)
2017〓18 Spanish constitutional crisis
Catalan activist Jordi S〓nchez i Picanyol, imprisoned accused of sedition, drops his bid to lead the Catalan government. (BBC)
Jordi Turull i Negre, ex-member of the dismissed regional government, who was imprisoned amid sedition and under investigation due to his connection in a corruption scandal involving CiU, is named candidate by the President of Catalan Parliament in a investiture for Thursday, March 22. (El Mundo)
Impeachment process against Pedro Pablo Kuczynski
Peruvian President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski resigns amid a vote buying scandal. (BBC)
Antiguan general election, 2018
Voters in Antigua and Barbuda go to the polls, with Barbudan residents having to travel to Antigua in order to participate. (The Telegraph)
Science and technology
Discoveries of exoplanets
Fifteen new exoplanets are discovered. Three of them, larger than Earth, are also discovered around the dwarf star K2-155. Furthermore, a 3D climate simulation was created to find out if K2-155d has water. (Health Thoroughfare)
Military activity of ISIL
Police state their investigation indicates the collision could not have been avoided. (AZ Central)
2017〓18 South African listeriosis outbreak
North Korean state media KCNA claims that, as a result of its nuclear weapons program, there has been ”dramatic atmosphere for reconciliation” with South Korea, and ”a sign of change” from the United States. (SBS news)
Palestinians are planning a mass demonstration in the Gaza Strip, ahead of the U.S. Embassy

Member 幹部名簿:文部科学省
●06/25 18:44
参事官(高校担当) 田中 義恭(たなか よしやす)

れいわ新選組 所属議員
●06/23 04:40

Member 映画化・テレビ化情報 - 文藝春秋
●06/22 05:31
BS松竹東急開局記念特別企画ドラマスペシャル 「夜のあぐら 〓姉と弟と私〓」 主演・井上真央、尾野真千子と初の姉妹役に挑む。
放送日時 2022年4月放送
放送局 BS松竹東急(BS260ch/総合編成無料放送)
キャスト 井上真央 尾野真千子 ほか
原作・原案 長嶋有(「夜のあぐら」「三十歳」・『タンノイのエジンバラ』所収 文春文庫刊)
監督・脚本 野尻克己(『鈴木家の嘘』監督・脚本)
プロデューサー 井上衛、伊藤学
関連サイト BS松竹東急お知らせページ

Member 国際精神分析学会
●06/19 03:41




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