▽ Zoubin Ghahramani Papers Available ●10/05 13:13 MENUCBL HOMEGROUPSAHMADIAN DUDLEY GHAHRAMANI HENNEQUIN HERNANDEZ-LOBATO LENGYEL MANCINI RASMUSSEN TURNER GEPEOPLEVACANCIESCONTACTComputational and Biological Learning LabThe group uses engineering approaches to understand the brain and to develop artificial learning systems. Research includes Bayesian learning, computational neuroscience, statistical machine learning and sensorimotor contr
▽Josh Tenenbaum’s home page ●11/09 12:54 If you are applying to work with our group via an MIT PhD program, please consider applying to both the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. I work with students through both programs. Students interested in computational cognitive modeling or cognitive AI are especially encouraged to apply to both, as they have different features and that w
▽Rob Tibshirani ●03/18 20:33 An Introduction to Statistical Learning: (2nd ed 2021)2022Data Science, Statistics, and Health. Univ. of Padua 20222021The lasso: past, present and future. ISI Founders prize award lecture
▽Bjorn Ommer - Personal Homepage ●11/16 10:52 Resource not found The server has encountered a problem because the resource was not found.