▽DigiCULT ●01/12 05:57 Excellent overall resource!Marcus P. Zillman, VirtualPrivateLibrary.com
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▽Xena - XML Electronic Normalising of Archives ●01/12 04:38 Analyze and gain insights into the current state of your data.Built on a modular architecture, OpenDQ scales with your enterprise data management needs.Infosolve’s Zero Based Solutions provide clients with comprehensive data solutions that leverage the power of their enterprise data to achieve their business objectives and create strategic opportunities-- without the burdens of cumbersome licens
▽MINERVA: Mapping the Internet Electronic Resources Virtual Archive (Library of Congress) ●01/11 20:41 Contributor: Library of Congress - Library of Congress. African and Middle Eastern DivisionContributor: Library of Congress - Library of Congress. African and Middle Eastern DivisionContributor: Library of Congress - Library of Congress. African and Middle Eastern DivisionContributor: Library of Congress - Library of Congress. African and Middle Eastern DivisionContributor: Library of Congress