▽研究会・セミナーなど:日大理工 原子核・統計セミナー ●01/01 05:49 Not Found The requested URL /~nsseminar/ was not found on this server. Apache/2.2.31 (Unix) Server at aries.phys.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp Port 80
▽研究会・セミナーなど:磁性・統計力学談話会 ●03/06 13:53 2017年3月8日15時より 理学部1号館 447教室 Irinel Chiorescu (Florida State University) Coherent manipulation of multi-level systems 日時:2017年3月8日(水)15時より Using a multi-level quantum system, we demonstrate Rabi oscillations between states belonging to different realizations of quasi-harmonic oscillators. The Mn ions diluted in a MgO matrix have tunable equally-spaced Sz spin states [1,2]. The hyperfine field is la
▽研究会・セミナーなど:Sano Laboratory ●04/24 01:43 1/f fluctuations in hydrodynamic turbulence and magnetohydrodynamic Francois Petrelis(ENS, Paris) Date : Apl. 28th (Tue), 15:30-17:00 Room : Science Building 1, Room 414 In a turbulent flow, many length scales contain energy. It has been known for a long time that the dependence of the energy on the length scale is independent of details of the flow forcing or dissipation. Less in known about the