▽Decorative Stitch Collection - Needlepoint and Cross-Stitch ●12/10 06:38 About About/ Needlepoint Stitch Collection 2 This collection of decorative needlepoint stitches are those from chapter 2 of Wonderful Stitches: 320 Decorative Stitches for Needlepoint. About/ Needlepoint Pattern Collection 2 Collection 2 is based on complimentary colors, red and green. I needed a third accent color, and chose yellow - basically it should be a color that looks good with either of t
▽SURPRISE ●06/24 10:38 SURPRISE IMPORTANT Ces grilles vous sont offertes gracieusement pour que vous puissiez les t駘馗harger et de les broder. Toute reproduction est interdite sur un autre site ou sous quelque forme que ce soit. Merci de votre compr馼ension. grille(s) gratuite(s) offerte(s) selon ma possibilit