▽Flash MP3プレーヤーJW FLV Media Player.url ●11/22 20:23 Jenn Chen currently oversees commercial functions at JWPC. Jenn has scaled multiple businesses and business units to over $100M and was an early veteran in digital programmatic advertising. Jenn started her career at Lehman Brothers, was at AppNexus as an early employee, and was the VP/GM of Programmatic at Sizmek, where she held various leadership roles and drove triple-digit growth organically a
▽Live House S.S.H へ ようこそ!!!.url ●09/30 17:03 2024年09月27日 追記私個人製作の、ちょ~すげぇフリーゲームになる予定だった「DARK(闇) NAVE(なべ) DUNGEON」というものがあるのですが、木っ端微塵にその予定は砕け散りましたので、これ用に作った音楽だけでもなんとか世に出そうと、サウンドトラックとしても未完成の状態ではありますが、BOOTHにてフリーアルバムとして公開いたしました。よろしかったら聴いてやってください。https://sshbs.booth.pm/items/6135052September 27, 2024 PostscriptI had been working on a free game named “DARK NAVE DUNGEON,” but my bad premonition was right on target, as it turned out to be an un