▽Engadget | Technology News, Advice and Features ●11/11 00:48 11.10.2024By K. Holt, 18 hours agoBy K. Holt, a day agoBy M. Moon, a day agoBy M. Moon, 11.10.2024By B. Steele, 11.10.2024By S. Dent, 11.09.2024
▽TechCrunch Japan - 最新のテクノロジーとスタートアップ・Webに関するニュースを配信するブログメディア ●10/27 14:48 14 hours ago10 hours ago16 hours ago9 hours ago9 hours ago10 hours ago11 hours ago14 hours ago15 hours ago15 hours ago16 hours ago16 hours ago2 days ago14 hours ago15 hours ago2 days ago3 days ago3 days ago9 hours ago15 hours ago2 days ago2 days ago5 days ago11 hours ago15 hours ago2 days ago16 hours ago2 days ago9 hours ago2 days ago2 days ago
▽【乞食速報】 ●08/25 09:39 Make an offer conditions)Value Added TaxThe Value Added Tax (VAT) is a consumption tax applied in the European Union (EU) to all goods and services.Who has to pay VAT?All consumers in the EU are charged VAT on the purchase of goods and services.Businesses in the EU buying from a business in the same country are also charged VAT.Businesses in the EU buying from a business in a different EU c