▽Gizmodo - We come from the future. ●11/25 12:52 Boom Supersonic’s XB-1 Hits New Altitude Record as Supersonic Travel Nears RealityThe aerospace company is on the verge of achieving its goal of reaching supersonic flight by the end of the year.By Isaac SchultzNov 24Anthony Mackie Talks Being a Smarter, Friendlier Captain AmericaJustin CarterNov 24Arcane’s Full Intro Lets Imagine Dragons Get the Final Word InJustin CarterNov 24Nov 24No
▽ZDNet Japan 最新情報 総合 ●11/25 12:48 競争力向上にITを活用するすべての企業へ https://japan.zdnet.com 2024-11-25T09:56:00+09:00 text/html 2024-11-25T09:56:00+09:00 Ed Bott (Special to ZDNET.com) 翻訳校正: 緒方亮 吉武稔夫 (ガリレオ) https://japan.zdnet.com/article/35226505/ マイクロソフトは、「Windows Insider Program」のメンバー向けに新機能「Recall」のプレビュー版を公開した。<br clear='left'><a href='https://japan.zdnet.com/article/35226505/'><img src='https://japan.zdnet.com/storage/2024/11/25/661081f741