▽Zaurus Support Station ●03/23 18:14 新着情報 SL-C3200/C3100/C3000/C1000の動作確認済みデータ通信カード情報を更新(09/05/22) SL-C3000/C1000/C700の動作確認済みデータ通信カード情報を更新(09/03/05) SL-C3200/C3100/C3000/C1000/C860/C760/C750の動作確認済みデータ通信カード情報を更新(09/02/27) SL-C3200/C3100/C3000/C1000の動作確認済みコンパクトフラッシュメモリーカード情報を更新(08/10/20) SL-C3200/C3100/C3000/C1000の動作確認済みデータ通信カード情報を更新(08/02/19) Office 2007とザウルス(HancomMobileOffice)の互換性について SL-C3200/C3100/C3000/C1000のWindowsVista™にお
▽WWW.SPY.ORG ●09/05 19:45 80 help neur·il·lion [noor-il-yuhn] The number of bits present in the first computing system to become self-aware/conscious. The fewest number of bits required for a computing system to be considered self-aware/conscious. [Origin: neuron + gazillion ( based on million, billion, etc. )] See also: Counters Sqlite3 Cs3web iPhone C++ Primer android command line base64 errors/exceptions 1
▽Essay of ”New my Life” ●08/17 20:00 Gone The requested resource /~nao/e/blosxom.cgi/zaurus is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address.Please remove all references to this resource.