▽Butterfield, Jeremy ●09/21 01:33 Jeremy Butterfield I am a Senior Research Fellow at All Souls College, University of Oxford, and a member of the Philosophy Faculty. My main research interests are philosophical aspects of quantum theory, relativity theory and classical mechanics. Most of my papers from recent years can be found at the ‘Los Alamos archive’ (look under ‘physics’, ‘quant-ph’ and &
▽NATO ADVANCED RESEARCH WORKSHOP: Modality, Probability, and Bell’s Theorems ●03/24 16:14 NATO ADVANCED RESEARCH WORKSHOP Modality, Probability, and Bell痴 Theorems to be held in Cracow (Poland) in Aug. 19-23, 2001 co-sponsored by the Jagiellonian University (Cracow) How to apply for participation Objectives of the workshop Tentative programme Papers of the key speakers Relevant topics link to NATO Aim: To assess, using the expertise of theoretical and experimental physicists, philosoph
▽Bub, Jefrey ●02/18 22:38 Interpreting the Quantum World This is a book about the interpretation of quantum mechanics, in particularabout how to resolve the measurement problem introduced by the orthodoxinterpretation of the theory. The heart of the book is a new result that shows how to construct allpossible ’no collapse’ interpretations, subject to certain naturalconstraints and the limitations imposed by the hidden vari