▽István Németi ●04/19 20:11 Forbidden You don’t have permission to access /~nemeti/on this server. Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) Server at users.renyi.hu Port 80
▽Seminar on Logic(Uchii) ●05/24 13:15 Forbidden You don’t have permission to access /~suchii/Logic/index.html on this server.
▽Chiara, Maria Luisa Dalla ●11/29 22:57 Salta gli elementi di navigazione DILEF Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia entra in biblioteca albo〓ufficiale Cerca SOL - Servizi online Men〓 principale Dipartimento Persone Sezioni Internazionalizzazione Organizzazione Bandi e avvisi Avvisi da istituzioni esterne Normativa Modulistica Missioni online Area riservata Didattica Corsi di laurea Scuole Studenti con disabilit〓 Master Corsi di perfezio
▽Logic Links ●03/22 20:57 ``Logik und Sprachtheorie’’am Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut für Informatik Queen’s University Belfast Université Paris VII ”Denis Diderot” Please report any additional personal websites of logicians and any links on this page that don’t work to logik@poincare.mathematik.uni-tuebingen.de.
▽Graham Priest ●07/21 10:48 Graham Priest ggp@st-andrews.ac.uk Graham Priest was born in London longer ago than he cares to remember. He studied at Cambridge and the LSE. His first position was at the University of St Andrews. Since only Australia seemed to be prepared to offer him a permanent position, he decamped there, never (at least yet) to return permanently. Cynics will say that he was kept there by being offered chai