▽xine - A Free Video Player ●09/16 05:11 15.09.2015New owner of xinehq.de Hi again! In Germany it’s time for “Tag der Zahngesundheit 2015″ in Berlin, who I created a infographic: Infografik – Tag der Zahngesundheit 2015 in Berlin Cheers, Meicel
▽Obsession Development: gentoo ●07/05 05:37 gentoo 0.20.x, for GTK+ 3 This is the home page for gentoo, the GTK+ file manager.The current release series of gentoo is called 0.20.x.It requires the 3.x series of the GTK+ toolkit, which is the current stable version as of mid-2013. A powerful file-recognition system that allows you to configure how files of different types are listed (what colors and icons), and what happens when you double-cl
▽VMware Player ●04/14 05:55 Being Green at VMware Company Acquisitions VMware Foundation