▽綺麗なイラストSketchbook ●03/15 19:44 FeedBurner could not deliver this feed to you because of the specific problem listed below: Feed Address: HTTP Error (Code) and Message: (404) Feed not found error: FeedBurner cannot locate this feed URI. What can I do about this? If you are a potential or current subscriber, contact the publisher to notify them that their feed content is not available. This may be temporary problem that requires
▽Free Vector 4 You ●06/12 07:50 There has been an error of some kind. Ack! FeedBurner could not deliver this feed to you because of the specific problem listed below: Feed Address: HTTP Error (Code) and Message: (404) Feed not found error: FeedBurner cannot locate this feed URI. What can I do about this? If you are a potential or current subscriber, contact the publisher to notify them that their feed content is not available. T