▽Accepted Papers | www.semantic-web-journal.net ●03/09 22:01 RQSS: Referencing Quality Scoring System for Wikidata Accept 3,513 24/Jul/2024PRSC: from PG to RDF and back, using schemas Accept 1,577 03/Oct/2024Special Issue on Semantic Web for Industrial Engineering: Research and Applications Accept 1,622 28/Apr/2024Empirical ontology design patterns and shapes from Wikidata Accept 2,012 23/Feb/2024Enhancing Data Use Ontology (DUO) for Health-Data Sharing
▽Myasthenia gravis (Concept Id: C0026896) - MedGen - NCBI ●03/09 10:21 Disease-Based Prognostication: Myasthenia Gravis.Almodovar JL,Mehrabyan ASemin Neurol 2023 Oct;43(5):799-806.Epub 2023 Sep 26doi: 10.1055/s-0043-1775791. PMID: 37751854See all (3600)See all (4506)See all (4074)See all (2446)See all (2617)