▽システム検証研究センター ●07/19 18:05 Not Found The requested URL /cvs/ was not found on this server.
▽Model Checking at CMU ●07/08 19:28 Model Checking @CMU [Home] [People] [Software] [Publications] [Support] [Links] [Internal] Model checking is a method for formally verifying finite-state concurrent systems. Specifications about the system are expressed as temporal logic formulas, and efficient symbolic algorithms are used to traverse the model defined by the system and check if the specification holds or not. Extremely large stat
▽Model Checking at CMU ●07/08 18:25 Model Checking @CMU [Home] [People] [Software] [Publications] [Support] [Links] [Internal] Model checking is a method for formally verifying finite-state concurrent systems. Specifications about the system are expressed as temporal logic formulas, and efficient symbolic algorithms are used to traverse the model defined by the system and check if the specification holds or not. Extremely large stat