▽分裂気質(ぶんれつかたぎ) ●12/13 19:16 Forbidden You don’t have permission to access /diary/on this server.
▽Baghdad Burning ●12/06 08:58 Back in 2003, one year seemed like a lifetime ahead. The idiots said, 窶弋hings will improve immediately.窶〓 The optimists were giving our occupiers a year, or two窶ヲ The realists said, 窶弋hings won窶冲 improve for at least five years.窶〓 And the pessimists? The pessimists said, 窶廬t will take ten years.It will take a decade.窶〓 We learned that while life is not fair, death is even less fair-it takes the go
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▽MIYADAI.com Blog ●11/01 17:42 まもなく『ドルフィン・マン』がUPLINK吉祥寺で公開されますが、関連する拙論を公開します