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version 1.22 129 KB 2017/05/30 Windows 95+IE3 以降
source 165 KB 2017/05/30 VC++6
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1.22 の更新点:
・ UNLHA32.DLL 3.00 が正しくインストールできるように修正しました-アーカイバDLLのロードには問題はないのですが、ダイアルアップ接続の管理関係のDLLのロードに脆弱性がありました。
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This page was last modified on 3 March 2017, at 13:46.
TOP / locate32
locate32 ver. - 日本語言語ライブラリ
- (ver.3.1 RC3m Build 10 8220a)
置いておきます ->>
+ 軽量、多機能なデータベース型ファイル検索ツールです。
[ Memo ]
+ 対象ファイル名: locate32_3.1.11.8220a_fix.zip
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メールソフトは毎日使うソフトウェアです できればストレスなく動くソフトを選択したいものです
LightBirdは、2004年当時のバージョン4から、絞り込み表示専用のコンポーネントを開発/搭載し、 高速フィルタリング表示を実現しています
最近のメールソフトはどんどん高機能になって 使い切れなくなっていませんか?
例えば、迷惑メールの削除を自動でやってくれるのはいいけど 必要なメールまで消したりとか、、
LightBirdでは、オーソドックスな操作画面に最小限の 設定機能しかありませんので、機能が多すぎてわからないということはありません
2010/12/17 v6.02公開しました
2010/09/03 v6.00β2をツイッターにて公開中です!Follow ME!!!
2010/05/19 v5.08公開しました
2010/01/12 v5.07公開しました
2009/11/25 v5.06公開しました
2009/10/07 v5.05d公開、不具合修正しました
2009/09/30 v5.05c公開、v5.05bでNGワード関連で不具合がありました
2009/09/29 v5.05b公開、NGワードを更新
2009/09/28 v5.05a公開、アドオン公開
2009/09/16 v5.02c公開、ツールバー変更アドオン公開
2009/09/11 v5.02betaサンプル版公開
2009/09/11 HPリニューアル
2009/09/10 v5.01b公開
2009/09/06 開発再開 ( 経緯はこちら )
ブログ始めました http://lightbirds.blogspot.com/
v5.05dを公開しました 最近、リリースを頻繁に行っていますが、バグが一通り落ち着いたら、アナウンスします
FAQ準備中です とりあえず、SpiQe Business Mailerのナレッジデータベース http://www.spiqe.net/mail/kdb/ を参照してください 大部分は共通となっています
検索ツールが現在利用できなくなっています 近々βリリース予定です
迷惑メールを自動削除する設定例は、 filter.lzh を参照してください
ご意見、要望承っております こちらまでお願いいたします ( supportspiqe.net )
商用でご利用の場合は、SpiQe Business Mailerをご利用ください
Copyright(c) Takeda Yuji ( provide core programming )
Copyright(c) SpiQe Software co., ltd. ( icon design, etc.. )
[5/2/2015]Improved Palabra 2.0
Palabra 2.0 with many improvements is available for download! Recently I became a frequent user of my own Palabra as am I going to go to Japan and I need to refresh my Japanese language skills. While using it I found a few bugs or irritating behaviours. I also redesigned the popup screen to get a nice look. The application is more mature now and better adjusted for Windows 7. Possibly Windows 8 as well, but I since I am not a big fan of this new OS I haven窶冲 tested it there. Therefore if you find any issues please let me know. The latest version is available in Palabra section as usually. Feel free to use it. I would be happy to get you feedback or any lessons you created and wish to share with others. See available lessons in Palabra resources section. ( : ) ( : ) ( : ) ( : ) ( : )
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2014 年〓4 月のセキュリティ情報
Internet Explorer、Microsoft Office、および Microsoft Windows の〓4 月のセキュリティ更新プログラムをダウンロードする。
2014 年〓4 月のワンポイント セキュリティ情報
次回のリリース予定日: 2014 年〓5 月〓14 日
B@r09u3⇔Style Op.2
11/07/14 : menuHacker(x64) Ver.1.10a has been released.
09/09/29 : fenrir Ver.0.75c has been released.
08/12/04 : SpeedUninstall 0.06 has been released.
08/10/05 : eClip Ver.0.18d has been released.
08/10/01 : menuHacker Ver.1.10a has been released.
07/02/24 : SmartCaret Ver.0.16 has been released
07/02/19 : regjump Ver.0.06 has been released.
05/11/21 : cuteExec Ver.1.08a has been released.
05/11/06 : TrayCommand Ver.0.06 has been released.
05/01/01 : qt0 Ver.0.07 has been released.
C@ution! : These Products are not for sale.
[PR] ハローワーク
Improved: [ml_local/history/pmp] Added F8 to refresh current search
Fixed: [ml_playlists] Remove invalid characters from playlist name on export
Fixed: Memory leaks in in_mp3, in_wm, gen_drop-Fixed: New version check can’t be disabled when anon statistics is enabled
Dump4w 1.33(最終更新日は’13.10.14 です。)
・Ver 1.33 ステータスバーの項目をクリックして設定を変更できるようにしました。
・Ver 1.33 Stirlingでコピーした内容を貼り付けられるようにしました。
・Ver 1.33 範囲選択して、16進検索で検索・置換を表示したときに初期値が0欠落していたのを対策しました。
・Ver 1.33 コピーした16進が大文字の場合に貼り付けたときに値が不正だったのを対策しました。
・Ver 1.33 メニューに...がついていなかったのを対策しました。
Dump4w 自動インストール書庫(dump4w133.exe)のダウンロード(ノートンアンチウィルス20.4.0.40でチェック済み)
■ ファイルが見つかりません。
Not Found
Copyright 2008 NTT Plala Inc. All rights reserved.
Last-Modified: 2013/09/07 21:11 +0900 (JST)
Proxomitron はもしかするとサーバから HTTP 204 No Content が返ってくると接続しっぱなしになるのかな、と 地震ハザードカルテ 内の google map と Proxomitron の挙動を見ていて気づいた。そこでこんなフィルタを作って実験中。ただ、バイパスしている(バイパス用のブロックファイルに追加している)サイトではこのフィルタ自体がバイパスされるのでどうしよう。
[HTTP headers]
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Match = ”$RESP(204*)”
Replace = ”$LOG(RStatus code 204 matched and disconnected)¥k”
フィルタが ”URL: ” で始まっているのは、そうじゃないと余計なヘッダが追加されてしまうため。
hp.vector.co.jp へのアクセスすべて
(c) 2013 Vector Inc.All Rights Reserved.
MPlayer (1.0) rc5: Decoders: * FFmpeg AAC decoder is now preferred over libfaad2 and the internal libfaad2 forked copy has been removed in its favor Demuxers: * experimental support for using binary Quicktime codecs with -demuxer lavf. Filters: * delogo: allow to change the rectangle based on the time. Other: * experimental support for PGS (BluRay-compatible), DVB and XSUB subtitles. * experimental af_cmdline slave command to change e.g. audio equalizer options at runtime. MEncoder: * -force-key-frames option to set explicit seek points. rc4: ”Yes We Can” GUI: Changes towards removing the GUI * The GUI will no longer display any error or warning messages. * Special GUI slave commands (gui_*) were removed, along with the related key bindings. Decoders: * YUY2 Lossless Codec (YLC0) via binary DLL * Truemotion RT codec (TR20) via binary DLL * Nogantech Codec (NTN1 and NTN2) via binary DLL * add new FourCCs (m1v1, yuvs, VYUY, Y42B, V422, YUNV, UYNV, UYNY, uyv1, 2Vu1, P422, HDYC, IJLV, MVJP) TwoCCs (0xA106, 0x6c75, 0xAAC0, 0x55005354) to existing decoders * AMR now handled via OpenCORE decoder * updated Windows Media Screen Codec (MSS1, MSS2) via binary DLL * CoreAVC H.264 decoder via binary DLL (Windows only) * Kega Game video codec (KGV1) via binary DLL * SoftLab-NSK Forward MPEG-2 I-frames (SLIF) via binary DLL * JPEG 2000 support via OpenJPEG * internal liba52 copy removed * CineForm HD (CFHD) via binary DLL * VP8 en-/decoding through libvpx wrapper and native decoder in FFmpeg * support for external libmpeg2 added * hardware MPEG decoder priority lowered * external libmpg123 support Demuxers: * Mostly fixed timing issues with some H.264 (PAFF) samples * Matroska and Ogg demuxers switched to use libavformat by default. Report issues and use -demuxer ogg and -demuxer mkv to work around them. * support for TrueHD in Blu-ray streams in libmpdemux * more Blu-ray codec support with lavf * fix length in ASF/WMV files * support ISDB-Tb DVB streams Filters: * remove vf_yuy2, functionality is replaced by -vf format=yuv2 * remove vf_rgb2bgr, functionality is replaced by sws and vf_format Streaming: * Support for unencrypted Blu-ray playback through libbluray. Use it through: mplayer br:////path/to/disc Drivers: * -vo yuv4mpeg:interlaced no longer does its own interlaced RGB->YUV conversion. Use -vf scale=::1 to keep the same behavior and report if there are any issues with that. * X11: Window manager chooses Window position by default. Add geometry=50%:50% to your configuration to get the old behavior. * -vo md5sum md5 calculation changed so output matches FFmpeg’s -f framemd5 * Support for more formats in OpenGL video output drivers (different YUV subsampling, 16 bit per component) * Selectable YUV to RGB conversion standard for -vo gl (-vo gl:colorspace=...:levelconv=...) * -vo gl now tries to use yuv=2 by default if possible * -vo gl:stereo=... for experimental stereo (3D) support * -vo matrixview finally added * add OS/2 KAI audio driver (-ao kai) Other: * -nosub option for disabling auto-selected subtitles * support for displaying subs in the terminal (FIXME) * support for subtitles with audio-only files * support for right-to-left languages with embedded subtitles * support for UTF-16 encoded external subtitles * support for 8 channel audio * sync dvd:// and dvdnav:// features * support for MPEG-4 ASP in VDPAU video output (non-B-frame only) * support for live and non-live DVB teletext with demuxer lavf * -name, -title and -use-filename-title options for MPlayer * support for stream handling via FFmpeg, in particular RTMP and RTSP (use e.g. ffmpeg://http://example.com/test) * experimental support for external libass, configure with --disable-ass-internal * better support for 16-bit-per-component formats and formats with alpha channel * better out-of-the-box support for compiling for ARM, IA64, MinGW32 and MinGW-w64, MinGW has ASLR enabled with recent enough binutils * libdvdcss synced with upstream Subversion snapshot MEncoder: * add -tsprog for demuxer lavf rc3: ”BikeshedCounter AKA Godot” May 30, 2010 Decoders: * support for X8 frames (fixes ”J-type picture is not supported” for WMV2) * support for DTS WAV/DTS-CD passthrough by ad_hwac3 * Apple’s raw YUV2 in MOV * LATM over LOAS AAC decoding via internal libfaad2 * video game codecs: BFI video, Playstation MDEC video, ADPCM XA audio, EA Maxis XA ADPCM audio, RL2 video, Beam Software SIFF video, V.Flash PTX video * AVOption support for libavcodec-based decoders * use lavc ADPCM codecs by default * support for progressive JPEG in ffmjpeg * ACDSystems MJPEG (ACDV) via binary DLL and lavc * SIF1 via binary DLL * wincam screen capture (WCMV) via binary DLL * Creative Labs Video Blaster Webcam MJPEG (CJPG) via binary DLL and ijpg library * kensington webcam (AJPG, ABYR) via binary DLL * centre for wavelets (wavc) via binary DLL * GeoVision Advanced MPEG-4 (GMP4, GM40) via binary DLL * Xiricam JPEG from Veo PC Camera (XJPG) via binary DLL * WorldConnect Wavelet Video (SMSV) via binary DLL * VDOWave 3 advanced (VDO3, VDOM, VDOW) via binary DLL * VoxWare MetaVoice (format 0x0074) via binary DLL * Ulead DV Audio (0x215,0x216) via binary DLL * GoToMeeting codec (G2M2,G2M3) via binary DLL * SP4x codec - used by Aiptek MegaCam (SP4x) via binary DLL * Broadway MPEG Capture Codec (BW10) via binary DLL * ZDSoft screen recorder (ZDSV) via binary DLL * WebTrain Communication lossless screen recorder (WTVC) via binary DLL * xfire video (XFR1) via binary DLL * VFAPI RGB transcode (vifp) via binary DLL * ETI CamCorder EYECON (NUB0,NUB1,NUB2) via binary DLL * fox motion (FMVC) via binary DLL * Trident video (TY2C, TY2N, TY0N) via binary DLL * 10-bit video (v210) via Cinewave binary DLL * Brooktree YUV 4:1:1 Raw (Y41P) via binary DLL * many rare/obscure fourccs for known formats added * lower priority for binary Linux rv3040 codecs due to bugs * remove native NuppelVideo decoder, use lavc instead Demuxers: * -lavfdopts cryptokey allows decrypting MXF and ASF files * support for wavpack in Matroska * AVOption support for lavf demuxing * prefer lavf musepack demuxer over libmpdemux * prefer lavf MOV demuxer over libmpdemux (use -demuxer mov for old behavior) * support program switching in lavf demuxer * support -slang in lavf demuxer * support nosound switching in lavf demuxer * support libass in lavf demuxer * support VOBsub in lavf demuxer * support MOV subtitle format * support for attachments in lavf demuxer * support for chapters in lavf demuxer * support seeking in multirate RealMedia files * FLAC speedup in lavf demuxer * MNG demuxer * remove native NuppelVideo demuxer, use lavf demuxer instead Filters: * vf_ow new overcomplete wavelet denoiser * change vf_screenshot dependency from libpng to lavc * add af_scaletempo which maintains audio pitch when changing playback speed * fix multi-channel reordering * af_stats filter to print information about the audio stream Streaming: * tv:// support for Windows * fix teletext on some systems * DVD streams can switch angles * DVD still menus are now supported via dvdnav:// * allow specifying the TV standard for each channel * switch internal dvdread to libdvdread SVN external FFmpeg/libavcodec: * DNxHD encoder * H.264 PAFF decoding * Nellymoser ASAO decoder * Beam Software SIFF demuxer and decoder * libvorbis Vorbis decoding removed in favor of native decoder * IntraX8 (J-Frame) subdecoder for WMV2 and VC-1 * Ogg (Vorbis only) muxer * PC Paintbrush PCX decoder * Sun Rasterfile decoder * TechnoTrend PVA demuxer * Linux Media Labs MPEG-4 (LMLM4) demuxer * AVM2 (Flash 9) SWF muxer * QT variant of IMA ADPCM encoder * iPod/iPhone compatible MP4 muxer * Mimic decoder * MSN TCP Webcam stream demuxer * RL2 demuxer / decoder * IFF demuxer * 8SVX audio decoder * BFI demuxer * MAXIS EA XA (.xa) demuxer / decoder * BFI video decoder * OMA demuxer * MLP/TrueHD decoder * Electronic Arts CMV decoder * Motion Pixels Video decoder * Motion Pixels MVI demuxer * removed animated GIF decoder/demuxer * D-Cinema audio muxer * Electronic Arts TGV decoder * Apple Lossless Audio Codec (ALAC) encoder * AAC decoder * floating point PCM encoder/decoder * MXF muxer * E-AC-3 support added to AC-3 decoder * Nellymoser ASAO encoder * ASS and SSA demuxer and muxer * liba52 wrapper removed * SVQ3 watermark decoding support * Speex decoding via libspeex * Electronic Arts TGQ decoder * RV30 and RV40 decoder * QCELP / PureVoice decoder * hybrid WavPack support * R3D REDCODE demuxer * Electronic Arts TQI decoder * OpenJPEG based JPEG 2000 decoder * NC (NC4600) cameras file demuxer * MXF D-10 muxer * Generic metadata API * H.264 speedup and PAFF decoding (install Yasm for faster H.264 decoding) * correctly decode more of the H.264 conformance testsuite * VC-1/WMV3 decoder speedup * VP3 decoder speedup * VP6 decoder speedup * Split-Radix FFT (speedup multiple audio codecs) * MMX/SSE/ARM and other misc speedups libmpeg2: * enable Alpha/ARM optimizations in libmpeg2 * SSE2-optimized IDCT routines from upstream libmpeg2 * libmpeg2 updated to version 0.5.1 Drivers: * replace PolypAudio by PulseAudio (-ao pulse) * add force-pbo suboption for faster output in vo_gl * add Nintendo Wii/GameCube video driver (-vo wii) * VIDIX driver for SuperH Mobile VEU hardware block * support -border on vo_gl/gl2 in x11 * Direct3D Windows video output driver added * factorize code in vo_wii * remove unnecessary code from vo x11, xv, xvmc * add OS/2 DART audio driver (-ao dart) * add VDPAU video output * add OS/2 KVA video driver (-vo kva) MEncoder: * check for system-wide configuration file in MEncoder * AVOption support for lavc encoders * AVOption support for lavf muxers Others: * many compiler warning fixes * basic support for Closed Captioning roll-up mode * reworked screensaver disabling support, most users will need to use -heartbeat-cmd due to screensaver authors failing to design a common API * grayscale decoding/encoding with FFmpeg disabled where it slowed down the color case * Linux AppleIR remote support * add options to disable some or all configuration files * support for DOS-style file:///x:/path paths * some new slave commands (check DOCS/tech/slave.txt) * libdvdcss updated to 1.2.10, now same as upstream version * fix -endchapter support again for -dump* options * add startup audio volume option * add option to disable default key binds * change default OSD and subtitle font size to a smaller default libass: * various fixes and updates to match VSFilter renderer * support ¥blur tag and ScaledBordersAndShadow property * fractional arguments and subpixel accuracy * keep positions when pan-and-scan is used Ports: * small crash with vo_macosx fixed * AC3/DTS passthrough for ao_macosx * fix frozen OSD on OS X * vo_gl now works with -wid and nVidia drivers on Windows (this is a hack) * VIDIX on SuperH * workarounds for AltiVec on Apple gcc 3.3 on OS X dropped * vo_macosx can now be compiled in 64-bits mode * allow multiple MPlayer instances with vo_macosx using buffer_name * OpenGL support for unmodified MinGW64 SWScaler: * new LGPLed YUV to RGB tables generator rc2try2: Security: * buffer overflow in url.c fixed * buffer overflow in stream_cddb.c fixed * stack overflow in demuxer_audio.c fixed * buffer overflow in demuxer_mov.c fixed rc2: ”AreWeThereYet?” October 7, 2007 (SVN revisions: MPlayer r24722, FFmpeg r10677) DOCS: * console messages and XML documentation converted to UTF-8 * Russian documentation translation finished * Russian man page translation finished * Chinese man page translation finished * Chinese documentation translation started * Documented get/set/step properties in DOCS/tech/slave.txt Decoders: * Intel Music Coder audio decoding via lavc * Monkey Audio audio decoding via lavc * Fraps v2/v4 video decoding via lavc * Video game codecs: 4XM audio, Electronic Arts ADPCM audio, Delphine CIN audio and video, Interplay DPCM audio, Sierra VMD video, Tiertex SEQ video, Westwood IMA ADPCM audio, XAN wc3 video, Id CIN video, Interplay video, XAN ADPCM audio, Westwood SND1 audio, Feeble Files DXA video, THP audio and video, Renderware TeXture Dictionary video, Bethesda Software VID video via lavc * video game codecs: XAN wc4 video via binary DLL * libmpeg2 updated to 0.4.1 * fixed resolution switching with libmpeg2 * handle resolution switching for Real codecs * FFmpeg video decoder can now handle aspect ratio changes * AMR now handled via libamr wrapper (http://www.penguin.cz/~utx/amr) * SIMD optimizations for mp3lib under AMD64 Demuxers: * Implemented switch_video and switch_program consistently with switch_audio (default keys are ”_” and TAB, respectively). For the time being program switching is only available in TS streams handled by demux_ts.c (not libavformat), while video switching is also handled by demux_lavf.c and demux_avi.c. * audio and video switching for the AVI demuxer (video switching untested) * GIF demuxer improvements, should work with all GIFs now * support for VC-1 in MPEG-TS and MPEG-PS files (BD,HD)-DVD * support for EVO demuxing * support -noidx with libavformat demuxer * support for channel navigation with PVR input * text subtitles should now work with libavformat demuxer * cleaned up TiVo demuxer Streaming: * authentication for Real RTSP streams * near-precise seeking in dvd:// and dvdnav:// (dvdnav:// requires libdvdnav from mphq) * speed selection when playing dvd:// streams, to make drive quieter * support SVQ3 and H.264 in X-QT over RTSP, now RTSP Apple keynotes work (live555) * SMIL playlist over Real RTSP * support H.263-2000 over RTSP (live555) * fix AAC-LATM over RTSP (live555) * support AMR over RTSP (live555) * support H.264 over RTSP (live555) * ”device” and ”adevice” suboptions now work for the *BSD BT848 TV driver * dvdnav:// now depends on MPlayer’s fork of libdvdnav * teletext support for tv:// (v4l and v4l2 only) * radio support for *BSD BT848 * channel scanner for tv:// * fine tuning for tv:// * driver autodetection for tv:// * libnemesi RTSP/RTP support * EOF detection for RTSP (live555) FFmpeg/libavcodec: * Intel Music coder audio decoder * Fraps v2/v4 video decoder * H.264 decoding speedup * Slice-based parallel H.264 decoding (-lavdopts fast:threads=N) * native NUT demuxer updated to spec * native NUT muxer * NUT muxing and demuxing support via libnut * WMA encoder * fix MJPEG-B on big-endian systems * lowres support for some H.264 files * DTS/DCA audio decoder * Atrac 3 audio decoder * MPEG-1/2 speedups * RoQ muxer, video and audio encoder * QTRLE encoder * AC-3 decoder * Matroska muxer * Monkey’s Audio demuxer and decoder * Flac encoder and decoder speedups * AMV demuxer and audio/video decoder libmpeg2: * iWMMXt-accelerated DCT and motion compensation for ARM processors Filters: * obsolete fame filter removed * vf_geq speed-ups * vf_yadif green frame fixed * fix af_pan when switching audio streams * add audio left/right balance feature to af_pan MEncoder: * write to output streams (currently only file:// and smb://) * support -ffourcc with -of lavf * removed B-frame warning message * fixed bugs that would corrupt headers in the video stream when using telecining and not patch the TFF flag correctly Ports: * Complete Intel Mac support * Hitachi SuperH (SH3) support * Blackfin optimizations Drivers: * ALSA audio output now sets the non-audio bit for AC3 passthrough even if the user-specified default device name tries to clear it * fixed internal VIDIX in Solaris/x86, also auto-enabled * rework of internal VIDIX, now a fully static library with builtin drivers * updated VIDIX ATI drivers * Sun XVR-100 video output driver Others: * monitorpixelaspect=1 is now default. Set monitoraspect=4/3 to get the old behavior (if you have non-square pixels). * libdvdcss updated to Subversion HEAD, now same as upstream version * libmpdvdkit split into libdvdread and libdvdcss * obsolete Xvid 3 support removed * long-deprecated -vop option removed * video stream switching * dvdnav:// honor -alang and -slang * support for doubleclick as input event * -really-quiet works as expected now * select libavformat demuxer (-lavfdopts format=) * internal minilzo removed in favor of FFmpeg implementation, use liblzo2 for encoding * change GUI dependency from libpng to libavcodec * ability to change subtitle size during playback * ability to turn loop on/off during playback * Apple Remote support * libdvdread updated to 0.9.7 * many compiler warning fixes rc1try3: June 5, 2007 (unreleased) Security: * stack overflow in stream_cddb.c fixed rc1try2: December 31, 2006 (unreleased) Security: * buffer overflow in asmrp.c fixed rc1: ”Codename intentionally left blank” October 22, 2006 (SVN revisions: MPlayer r20372, FFmpeg r6767) DOCS: * German documentation translation finished * Russian documentation translation synced and almost finished Drivers: * IVTV hardware MPEG audio/video decoder output * ALSA audio output: AC3 passthrough now works even when the device name of the digital output port has been set by the user * bicubic OpenGL scaling works with ATI cards * md5sum switched to the libavutil MD5 implementation * support for libcaca 1.0 via compatibility layer Decoders: * liba52 updated to 0.7.4 (slightly faster) * SSE optimizations for mp3lib * removed support for obsolete and non-free divx4 libraries Demuxers: * audio stream switching in MPEG-TS/PS, Matroska and streams supported by libavformat * audio stream switching between streams with different codecs * libavformat demuxer now honors -alang * chapter seeking in Matroska files * fixed seeking to absolute and percent position for libavformat demuxer * NUT demuxer using libnut * Matroska SimpleBlock support Inputs: * split of stream layer from libmpdemux to new stream library * PVR input for hardware MPEG encoder based cards, such as Hauppauge WinTV PVR-150/250/350/500 AKA IVTV but also pvrusb2 and cx88 (requires Linux >= 2.6.18 kernel, featuring native V4L2 MPEG API) * native RTSP input (handles MPEG-TS over RTP) for generic RTSP servers * support for seeking to chapters in dvd:// and dvdnav:// streams * radio support (radio://) FFmpeg/libavcodec: * VC-1/WMV3/WMV9 video decoder * Vorbis decoding speedup, now default Vorbis decoder * VMware Video decoder * On2 VP50 and VP62 decoder * lossless audio decoders: WavPack, TTA, Shorten * CAVS decoder * GXF muxer/demuxer * MXF demuxer * much improved FLAC encoder * more H.264 decoding speed improvements, plus support for -lavdopts fast * Theora decoder fixes * preliminary Vorbis encoder * MTV demuxer GUI: * Windows version added * drag-and-drop ignored last file * save and load cache setting correctly * working audio stream selection for Ogg and Matroska files * executable names like gmplayer_old etc. will now start GUI as well * -gui/-nogui options * xinerama fixes, now behaves similar to MPlayer without GUI Filters: * MMX-optimizations for -vf yadif * MMX-optimizations for -vf zrmjpeg MEncoder: * support of x264 encoding via libavcodec * rewrite -x264encopts option parser to use the
07/26/12 - – Flash Playerのデバッグ版(別名デバッグプレーヤーまたはコンテントデバッガー)およびスタンドアロン版(別名プロジェクター)がバージョン11.3.300.268に更新されました。すべてのユーザーの皆様に新しいプレーヤーへのアップデートを推奨します。
Flash Player 11.2 Plugin コンテンツデバッガをダウンロード (TAR.GZ, 6.86MB)
Flash Player 11.2 プロジェクターコンテンツデバッガをダウンロード (TAR.GZ, 5.69MB)
Flash Player 11.2 プロジェクターをダウンロード (TAR.GZ, 5.29MB)
06/08/2012 Flash Builder、Flash Catalyst、および Flash Professional用に、Flash Player 10.3のデバッグ版 (別名 デバックプレーヤー、コンテントデバッガ) とスタンドアローン (プロジェクタ) プレーヤーが公開されました。これらのプレーヤーはAPSB12-14 Flash Playerに関するセキュリティ情報に該当するクリティカルな脆弱性の修正を含んでいます。新しいプレイヤーのバージョンは、 です。
Error: core initialization failed: (null)エラーについて
BitDefenderコマンドライン版でスキャンすると上記エラーが出て、スキャンができないという症状がおこっています。アップデート操作をしてもこのエラーが治らない場合には、BitDefenderコマンドライン版をインストールしたフォルダにあるPluginsフォルダの中のファイルの中で0バイトのサイズのものが存在していないかチェックをしてみて下さい。(Explorerを詳細表示にすると探しやすいです) 大抵の場合はemalware.298というファイルがそれに該当するようです。
Version1.7.8 (2012/03/25)*2
端末にインストール(携帯用, 1.7.8)
前バージョン(1.7.7)からの変更点 †
「ブラウザで開く」機能で、WX01Kが利用できなかったのを修正する。(WX33x/WX35x 向けにも同様な修正を入れてみた。)
「ファイル一覧出力」機能で出力するfileList.htmlに、「kaniFilerへ戻る」をWX01K, WX33x/WX35x向けにも出力するようにしてみた。
TOMBO Project
TOMBO 2.0 beta 5をリリースしました。 (2012/03/20)
個人的に現在WinCE機を所有しておらず動作確認・サポートが困難となっているため、WindowsMobile(WinCE)版の開発を停止します。正式版1.17(.1)、ベータ扱いで2.0 beta4が最終版となります。今後はWindows版の他にiPhone/iPad, MacOS, Android版等の開発を検討しています。WindowsMobileユーザの方には申し訳ありませんがご理解よろしくお願いいたします。
Free Application for Windows.
ver 1.01
Last Update 2002.11.12
. 概要
JAVA用のコードに対して#ifdef(#if,#ifndef)-#endifによるソースの変換、 #define、enum、及び引数で設定された文字列の置き換え、また変数、関数の 自動置き換えを行い、指定ディレクトリに対して出力します。
. 使い方
ppp.exe [読み込みディレクトリ] [出力ディレクトリ] [その他定義] ...
ex) ppp.exe .¥read_dir .¥write_dir
read_dir内から *.h, *.javaファイルを読み込み、同名でwrite_dirに 書き込み。
ppp.exe .¥read_dir .¥write_dir _DEF_TEST
動作は同上。全てのファイル解釈時に#define _DEF_TESTが定義された 状態で解釈されます。
ppp.exe .¥read_dir .¥write_dir _DEF_TEST=1
動作は同上。全てのファイル解釈時に#define _DEF_TEST 1が定義され た状態で解釈されます。
. 更新履歴
2002/08/15 Ver 1.01 コメントの書き方によって、変換が正しく行われない場合があるバグを修正
2001/04/12 ver 1.00 公開
. 掲載誌
iアプリ ゲームプログラミング―504i/FOMA対応
著者:布留川 英一
『iアプリ Javaゲームプログラミング』
著者:布留川 英一