▽Panderers in Japan ●04/06 16:05 > Pander:n., & v.t. 1. go-between in clandestine amours, procurer; one who ministers to evil designs. 2 v.i. minister (to base passions or evil designs, or person having these) Japander:n.,& v.t. 1. a western star who uses his or her fame to make large sums of money in a short time by advertising products in Japan that they would probably never use. ~er (see synecure, prostitute) 2. to mak
▽AdJab ●06/29 05:23 Facebook Getty Getty Twitter/@wqad Reuters Instagram Imgur Sponsored Sponsored FOX 2 Detroit NBC Sponsored Amazon Alamy YouTube Getty Reuters Reuters Getty Getty Getty euters Reddit Getty Paul releases list of demands around health care bill The Indiana Senator sent a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday outlining requests for changes to the GOP health care bill. 4 key changes he
▽videoegg ●03/01 18:01 Тема ”Простая”. Технологии Blogger.