▽F@H Prerelease Clients ●03/23 07:54 Linux v.5.01’s only change from 5.00 is a fix in its branding of cores when the -openBSD flag is used.
▽Folding@Home Distributed Computing(”非公式”日本語訳) ●09/14 17:56 Gone The requested resource /fah_j/ is no longer available on this server and there is no forwarding address.Please remove all references to this resource.
▽UD Monitor ●04/21 15:54 Home Screenshots Documentation Manual FAQ Translations Compiling Tracker Bugs Requests Version history v4.x v3.x v2.x v1.x Forums grid.org Folding@home WCG Beta-versions Related software ConFold FoldinGL UD Control Contact the author UD Monitor UD Monitor is an utility for the GRID.ORG, World Community Grid and Folding@home distributed computing projects. It provides an easy way to download severa