▽セキュリティホール memo ●12/17 04:47 ■ 2024.12.16》 2025年、ウクライナの長距離ドローン「3万機」がロシアの戦略目標をたたく (Forbes, 12/13)。ドローン戦争ぶりはさらに深化しそう?》 ロシアのオレシュニク IRBM (RS-26 ルベージュの派生型?)。 ウクライナで使用されたのは非核・非誘導弾頭型。 無誘導のバンカーバスターが降り注ぐようなものか。November 21, 2024 - Russia-Ukraine news (CNN, 11/21)The Story Of Russia’s Secretive RS-26 Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile (The War Zone, 11/22)ロシアが「最新の中距離弾道ミサイル」でドニプロを攻撃 独特の恐怖も新規性なし (Forbes, 11/23)ロシア版「神の杖
▽JL’s stuff ●12/17 04:46 Short-Lived Certificates Coming to Let’s Encrypt
▽Windows Incident Response ●12/16 19:45 CyberDefNerdWho Knows What Happened to My Logs? Tracking Event Log Deletion1 day ago
▽ Hexacorn | Blog ●12/16 05:52 dns.exe and its quirksPosted on 2024-12-15 by adamThis is not a proper research yet. I just happened to stumble upon an interesting artifact which is a file:C:\Windows\System32\dns\RFC5011.csvthat dns.exe service process tries to read.This csv file appears to be related to DNSSEC, but I don’t know enough about it, plus have not spent enough time analyzing the actual dns.exe binary to determin