▽「の」 - livedoor Blog(ブログ) ●04/01 12:48 〓〓〓〓〓〓0 dreamofmaud at 13:18|Permalink│TrackBack(0) 〓〓〓〓〓〓0 dreamofmaud at 09:12|Permalink│TrackBack(0) 〓〓〓〓〓〓0 dreamofmaud at 01:36|Permalink│TrackBack(0)
▽tori kudo ●12/09 11:32 1. How did the New Museum compare to other places you〓〓〓ve performed? 3. What〓〓〓s your favorite exhibition or performance you〓〓〓ve seen at the New Museum? Toshiharu Osato(1958-2009) lived entire decade of 70’s and was not a musician in this 15〓〓decade-long human history. What inspired your original vision for C〓〓〓est La Derni竪re Chanson ? Did you have specific sonic textures or thematic ideas that