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▽HeroQuest - Glorantha ●06/12 13:29 Look for an index of recent changes at Recent Posts and we have several RSS feeds. Browse around and see what’s here! Pavis: Gateway to Adventure Pavis: Gateway to Adventure Buy Now Buy now: Paper Book Buy now: Bundle of Paper Book and Electronic Download *** Reviews *** Review part 1 - Black Gate Magazine Review part 2 - Black Gate Magazine About Us People Rick Meints Jeff Richard Loz Simon Ben a
▽DriveThruRPG.com - Issaries ●11/17 00:22 Gamers have enjoyed playing in Glorantha for a long time now, over 25 years. The time is right to relaunch a major campaign source that went out of print over 20 years ago. This second edition reprint contains all of the original supplement, several articles printed in magazines, over 35 new pieces of additional art, designer’s notes, and a never befo... [click here for more] Issaries $40.00 $20.0
▽DriveThruRPG.com - MRQ ●11/01 03:12 At once Glorantha's most misunderstood and iconic race, the Ducks! Others call them accursed but these proud, independent creatures have their own traditions; calling themselves Keets, they claim a defamed history and fight to see their place in the world restored – or revised. Ducks also covers the lesser-known bird tribes who share Keetsland with the most famous breed. With this sour..