¤ The World of John Mackin œ02/14 11:29 404 - That file does not exist. It seems that the file you are looking for does not exist. Perhaps it has been removed. If you entered a URL of the form http://www2.gol.com/<username>/ and are looking for a userfs web page, the correct URL to use is: http://www2.gol.com/users/<username>/ The former, that is, without /users/ was never officially supported for regular users. Rakuten Comm
¤ŽGŽ‚ÌV•· •xŽm’Ê œ06/28 15:14 Forbidden You donft have permission to access /kaishya/data/6702.html on this server. Apache/1.3.34 Server at www.zasshi.com Port 80