▽Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform - Red Hat Customer Portal ●12/21 20:25 Severity None Advisory(RHBA-2024:11572) EAP XP 4.0.2.GA (based on EAP 7.4.20) OpenShift Image Synopsis EAP XP 4.0.2.GA (based on EAP 7.4.20) OpenShift Image Date2024-12-19T15:40:24ZSeverity None Advisory(RHBA-2024:11569) Red Hat build of Apicurio Registry 3.0.6 Beta OpenShift images Synopsis Red Hat build of Apicurio Registry 3.0.6 Beta OpenShift images Date2024-12-19T14:50:41ZSeverity None Advi
▽Struts ●12/20 15:52 Apache Struts 7.0.0 GAApache Struts 7.0.0 GA has been releasedon 19 December 2024.Read more in Announcement or in Version notes
▽Apache Collections ●12/20 00:09 Last Published: 18 December 2024Version: 4.5.0-M3Maven CoordinatesThe Java Collections Framework was a major addition in Java 1.2.Bloom filter classes and interfacesThe current releaseThe latest version is available: Download now!
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▽Apache Axis ●12/15 21:22 Copyright 〓〓½ 2000-2005 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.