▽AZ AUDIO ●09/24 00:45 Free Portail Freebox Bas débit Webmail Mon Compte Pages Perso Envois de gros fichiers Accueil Internet Téléphone Télévision Boutique Assistance Bas débit Rechercher avec Google tout le web en français Erreur 403 - Refus de traitement de la requête (Interdit - Forbidden) Le serveur a compris la requête, mais refuse de la satisfaire. Une d
▽Bootsy at rekkerd.org ●09/11 05:29 Variety Of Sound has released NastyDLA mkII, an updated version of the classic chorus echo device with tape-delay simulation. The mkII version of this plug-in is an overall technical redesign and features “stateful saturation” algorithms … read more Variety Of Sound has announced mkII versions for NastyDLA and TesslaPRO to be released during Q2/2012. By this, all the sonic bliss of stateful
▽ Simple-Media ●09/03 21:19 Legacy page for vst instruments and effects created using Synthedit. About the VSTs This is the old VSTI Page - the new page can be found here. Or you can still use the links belowfor the older instruments. Free VSTi - Spook Keys Designed to re-create the sound of a ’Theramin’ and offering control either using a MIDI keyboard or using the mouse to drag the glowing spot across the ’chart’ for more
▽FATMOO ●08/08 10:33 Misc Great Win32 Computer Language Shootout, Biscotti
▽Michael Kingston Productions ●05/11 21:20 The free VST plugin RetroBand models distortions of gain stages and transformers. www.michaelkingston.fi/retroband