▽GTG Synths ●03/29 01:33 HOME VST 3D MUSIC LINKS NR2010. Made mainly for personal use. A good old analog polysynth with a 24dB filter, snappy envelopes and nice mod effects. My personal workhorse-synth. GTG K1.3. A remake of the K1. Some minor enhancements. Better filter controls. Added a damp function on the delay. GTG 44 S. Old skool analog six voice with a very fat sound. I made it mostly for personal use. Please refer
▽miniSoftMusic ●03/01 04:08 /** FEM2 Version 1 **/ Date:29.02.12 Here are 32 patches made by Alexander Dorendorf.This patches are for URP2 and give you a taste of Alexaders〓s commercial patches! You can get more info〓s and download it under our freeware section The new InvectorVST 8 voice version is ready for downloading.Its now not a beta more and i hope all bugs are removed.In the future only InvectorVST-8V version will be
▽Crystal ●10/07 12:05 Replay Like Dislike Share Copy embed HTML Settings... Turn Captions Off