▽RecordShop BASE ●12/22 02:42 V.A. / HARD FLAKES VOL.2 ~PLAYING SAME GAME IN OTHER PLACES~ CD!!EL ZINE / VOL.69モザイクス / 無駄吠え
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▽brainwashed dot com ●12/19 11:08 Forced Exposure New Releases for the Week of 12/16/2024New music is due from claire rousay, Bloody Mary, and Caixa Cubo, while older music is due from Eliane Radigue, Sleep, and Mu.Brain MenuAbout BrainwashedArtists and ArchivesTerms and Conditions2024 Annual Brainwashed Readers PollNomination Round Open!It's that time of year, where we disregard everybody else's choices and vote for what