▽Daily Python-URL ●06/28 11:25 Software (at effbot.org): Downloads (downloads.effbot.org) Mercurial (hg.effbot.org) Subversion (svn.effbot.org/public) Documentation (at effbot.org): The Python Imaging Library Handbook An Introduction to Tkinter The Standard Python Library PythonWare: Contact information
▽AMK’s Diary ●04/19 12:07 April 18, 2011 Goodbye, Duncan We’ve been nervously monitoring the ups and downs of Duncan’s health, especially his weight, for the past year or two. This weekend his behaviour was off -- less assertive, lying in odd positions -- today he went over the edge. In the morning he was still eating, but only wanted to walk a few steps at a time and then would lay down again in the middle of the floor. A