▽HIGE/Jの物置部屋 通称髭ネット ●12/10 23:32 [2007/08/11BlankPage] HIGE/J Error. Page cannot be displayed. Please contact your service provider for more details. (26)
▽FictionMania Main Entry Page ●12/01 05:30 ”Daddy, what are you doing in Mommy’s clothes?” ”Well Susan thats a long story, well about 20,000 stories and a place called Fictionmania!” Morpheus is a pro writer. Neil Gaiman? The Martian Manhunter sees Morpheus in the shape of a flaming Martian skull and identifies him as Lord L’Zoril; but Mister Miracle, looking at him simultaneously, sees Morpheus as a man. A former superheroine blames Morph