▽Apache Tomcat - Welcome! ●12/12 17:05 2024-12-09 Tomcat 10.1.34 ReleasedThe Apache Tomcat Project is proud to announce the release of version 10.1.34Add strong ETag support for the WebDAV and default servlet, which can be enabled by using the useStrongETags init parameter with a value set to true. The ETag generated will be a SHA-1 checksum of the resource content.Add support for RateLimit header fields for HTTP (
▽OpenSSL: The Open Source toolkit for SSL/TLS ●11/28 13:50 “We believe everyone should have access to security and privacy tools,whoever they are, wherever they are or whatever their personal beliefsare, as a fundamental human right.”
▽BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool ●09/27 11:11 Non-interactive searches of nt switch to core_ntStarting late September 2024 all non-interactive WebBLAST and PrimerBLAST searches of ``nt`` willTue, 24 Sep 2024
▽AMOS Redirect ●01/09 18:22 This page has been accessed 2,380,799 times.